Production chemistry is one of the most challenging disciplines in the oil/gas industry. From the reservoir, through the wells, into the flow lines and processing facilities and on to sale's points, the project life cycle is large. It enters the project during early design phase and stays until the field reaches the end of its life and the production system is decommissioned.
Challenges with solid precipitation and deposition (asphaltenes, scales, wax, gas hydrates, naphthenates, bio-growth) will occur. Some processing problems are foaming, emulsions, water quality issues (including injection water quality in case of water floods), produced hydrogen sulfide and corrosive acids.
In Production companies also see problems with material integrity. The material corrosion from production fluids, microbial activities, and artificially introduced fluids (completion fluids, chemicals, etc.). Mineral deposits, bacteria-related issues, decreased permeability, and increased hydrostatic pressure are some of the challenges that occur over time. Clients need chemical solutions that help to dissolve offending materials, lift heavy liquids, and clean up the formation. Slowing down or preventing scale formation, corrosion, and wax deposits are a few of the many daily challenges. Each problem that is encountered is recognized as being distinct and is resolved on a case-by-case basis.
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