Micro-Organisms in Oil and Gas Production Systems can cause significant problems in 3 major ways:
a.) Corrosion of Steel
b.) Plugging of equipment and
c.) Souring of crude systems.
The 3 main types of microbe growths are algae, fungi and bacteria. Bacteria cause most of the problems in our industry today. Today’s Industry has long used THPS (Tetrakis (hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulfate) as the go to for biocide water treatment. THPS is an environmental friendly bactericide with good water solubility, low solidifying point, stable chemical performance, long shelf life, high-efficiency, wide-spectrum etc. However, recent tariffs on China have changed the cost for using this chemical and it’s no longer a dominant market.
BlenTex can make a unique Biocide specific to your needs. We have options and need to know more about your crude and produced water types. We need a starting point to combat bacterial growth activity and specifically anaerobic bacteria formation, the most common in the oilfield being Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRBs). An alternative to THPS is Glutaraldehyde and its dosage rate varies with the type of water, with heavy brine requiring the dosage rates of 200 ppm or more. Glutaraldehyde can be discharged to the environment and is effective at killing SRBs. Glutaraldehyde is a readily biodegradable product.
To assure quality and accuracy in our work, BlenTex will use the normal Biocide selection process recommended by the references of the National Academy of Corrosion Engineering (NACE) International – Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion and Bio-fouling in Oilfield Equipment, TPC3 1990 and the NACE Field Monitoring of Bacterial Growth in Oilfield Systems.
For the Best Type of Biocide field dosages and compatibility and compliance with regulations, contact your local BlenTex representative for support.
BlenTex can make a unique Biocide specific to your needs. We have options and need to know more about your crude and produced water types.
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