PPD66 is a one-of-a-kind shear stable blend of hydrocarbons manufactured to act as a drag reducing chemical agent that will lower pressure in a heavy oil pipeline by mixing with the crude where it reduces the frictional pressure within the flow. It acts on the heavy crude oil fluid to reduce the friction created along the pipe wall and works to decrease the amount of energy lost in turbulent flow conditions. This enables operators to increase pipeline flow using the same amount of energy, or decrease the pressure drop for the same fluid flow rate. It is a pour point depressant which works on the heavy crude oil to provide less drag on the pipe.
Our newly tested and proven product is made of pure organic hydrocarbons and does not use any polymers making it suitable for refining and further use. PPD66 allows pipeline operators to increase throughput and ultimately reduce the energy costs to operate heavy crude oil pipeline systems in both onshore and offshore pipeline operations.
PPD66 resists shearing and when it passes through a high-pressure centrifugal pump, it begins to repair itself within seconds and form back to its original structure quickly. The chemical agent promotes pump efficiencies to help them work better and reduce maintenance costs. Polymer based drag reducers require specialized pumping equipment due to their breakdown while sitting in storage. PPD66 can be pumped directly from the shipping container through standard chemical pumps and filters and has a much better shelf life that doesn’t require mixing.
Lastly, our standard PPD66 includes a Paraffin Dispersant/Inhibitor that dissolves Paraffin and continues to work in storage systems. If you have a heavy crude oil pipeline that needs DRA, but does not have Paraffin, we can work with you to formulate a unique solution to address your flow assurance needs.
Pour Point Depressants act on the fluid reducing the viscosity and density to provide less friction on the inside of the pipe. They increase the pipeline capacity by reducing turbulence and therefore allowing the oil to flow more efficiently.
PPD66 (pdf)
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